Privacy Policy

LightSpeed Broadband Privacy Policy

1 Keeping your data safe

1.1 We are committed to keeping your personal data safe and secure and handling it in accordance with our legal obligations. This notice sets out in detail the purposes for which we process your personal data, who we share it with, what rights you have in relation to that data and everything else we think it's important for you to know.

2 Who we are

2.1 We are LightSpeed Broadband Limited, a company incorporated in England and Wales with registered number 12487672.

3 Contact details

3.1  Our contact details are as follows: Address: Fulney Hall, Holbeach Road, Spalding, Lincolnshire PE12 6ER. Telephone: 01775 830830

3.2 If you have any queries about how we use your data, contact us using the following details: or Contact Us

4 What is personal data?

4.1 Personal data is any information that tells us something about you. This could include information such as your name, contact details, date of birth, medical information and bank account details.

5 How do we collect personal data?

5.1 We collect personal data from various sources, including:

5.1.1 directly from you when you become a customer, sign up to our mailing list, sign up for an account, contact us with questions or feedback or send us your CV;

5.1.2 credit reference and fraud prevention agencies;

5.1.3 third party review platform providers that we use to gather specific feedback from customers;

6 What personal data do we collect?

6.1 We collect the following categories of personal data about you:

6.1.1 personal contact details such as name, title, address, telephone number, email address;

6.1.2 a username and password;

6.1.3 date of birth;

6.1.4 gender;

6.1.5 other information that you provide to us in correspondence you send;

6.1.6 information about how you have used our services and any feedback that you provide

6.1.7 credit history;

6.1.8 card details;

6.1.9 transaction history;

6.1.10 references;

6.1.11 social media profile information, including your handles and posts

6.1.12 location data;

6.1.13 CVs;

7 How do we use your personal data?

7,1 We use your personal data for the following purposes:

7.1.1 to run and manage your account;

7.1.2 to provide our goods and services to you;

7.1.3 to make decisions about whether we can provide our goods and services to you;

7.1.4 to provide support to you in using our services and to answer any questions you may have;

7.1.5 to deal with complaints or other feedback;

7.1.6 if you consent, to send you communications about products and services we think you will be interested in;

7.1.7 to analyse and improve our services and our business;

7.1.8 to run competitions and promotions that you enter;

7.1.9 to prevent and detect fraud and other criminal activity;

7.1.10 to tailor the advertising and marketing that we send to you based on your interests;

7.1.11 to keep you up to date on with when orders can be placed.

8 What is your legal basis for using my personal data?

8.1 Under data protection law, we are only permitted to use your personal data if we have a legal basis for doing so, as set out in the legislation. The table below tells you what that legal basis is in relation to each of the purposes set out above.


Personal data used includes (but is not limited to)

Legal basis:

To run and manage your account.

Your username, password, name, address, telephone number and email address.

We process this personal data for these purposes on the basis that it is necessary for us to do so in order to fulfil the contract that we have with you to deliver our services.

To provide our goods and services to you.

Your transaction history, name, address, telephone number and email address.

We process this personal data for these purposes on the basis that it is necessary for us to do so in order to fulfil the contract that we have with you to deliver our services

To make decisions about whether we can provide our goods and services to you.

Your transaction history, name, address, telephone number and email address.

We process this personal data either on the basis that:

a) we have your consent to do so; or

b) if you are an existing customer, it is in our legitimate interests to do so. We have a legitimate interest in providing our goods and services to you.

You can opt out of receiving marketing communications at any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” link in marketing emails.

To provide support to you in using our services and to answer any questions you may have.

Your name, address, telephone number and email address and any information about how you have used our services and any feedback that you provide.

We process this personal data either on the basis that:

a) we have your consent to do so; or

b) if you are an existing customer, it is in our legitimate interests to do so. We have a legitimate interest in providing you with support in using our services and to answer any questions you may have.

You can opt out of receiving marketing communications at any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” link in marketing emails.

To deal with complaints or other feedback.

Your name, address, telephone number and email address and any information about how you have used our services and any feedback that you provide.

We process this personal data either on the basis that:

a) we have your consent to do so; or

b) if you are an existing customer, it is in our legitimate interests to do so. We have a legitimate interest providing you with an answer to any complaints or other feedback you may have.

You can opt out of receiving marketing communications at any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” link in marketing emails.

To send you communications about products and services we think you will be interested in.

Your transaction history, name, address, telephone number and email address and any information about how you have used our services and any feedback that you provide.

We process this personal data either on the basis that:

a) we have your consent to do so; or

b) if you are an existing customer, it is in our legitimate interests to do so. We have a legitimate interest in promoting our products and services that we think you will be interested in.

To analyse and improve our services and our business.

Information about how you have used our services and any feedback that you provide.

We process this personal data for these purposes on the basis that it is necessary in our legitimate interests. We have a legitimate interest in ensuring that we continue to improve our business and provide the best possible service for our customers .

To run competitions and promotions that you enter.

Your username, password, name, address, telephone number and email address.

We process this personal data on the basis that we have your consent to do so.

To prevent and detect fraud and other criminal activity.

Your username, password, name, address, telephone number, email address, credit history, card details, transaction history.

We process this personal data on the basis that we have a legal obligation to do so.

To tailor the advertising and marketing that we send to you based on your interests.

Information about how you have used our services and any feedback that you provide, transaction history, social media profile information, including your handles and posts.

We process this personal data either on the basis that

a) we have your consent to do so; or

b) if you are an existing customer, it is in our legitimate interests to do so. We have a legitimate interest in tailoring or advertising and marketing that we sent to you.

You can opt out of receiving marketing communications at any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” link in marketing emails.

To keep customers up to date on when orders can be placed.

Your username, password, name, address, telephone number and email address and transaction history.

We process this personal data for these purposes on the basis that it is necessary for us to do so in order to fulfil the contract that we have with you to deliver our services.

9 What happens if you don’t provide the personal data we request

9.1 We need some of your personal data to perform our contract with you or to comply with legal obligations, as set out in section 8.1 above. Where personal data is required for these purposes, if you do not provide the data requested, we will not be able to perform our contract with you or continue to provide our services to you. We explain when we collect your personal data which data is mandatory and which is not.

10 How we share your personal data

10.1 We share your personal data in the following ways:

10.1.1 We use third party service providers who process personal data on our behalf to provide services to us. The service providers we use who have access to your personal data are as follows:

(a) hosting providers;

(b) cloud services providers for cloud storage;

(c) marketing services providers;

(d) IT support and maintenance providers;

(e) our customer relationship management solution provider;

(f) market research agencies;

(g) construction build partners who are building our network; and

(h) payment service providers.

10.1.2 If we sell any part of our business and/or integrate it with another organisation, your details will be disclosed to our advisers and to prospective purchasers or joint venture partners and their advisers. If this occurs, the new owners of the business will only be permitted to use your personal data in the same or similar ways as set out in this notice.

10.1.3 We will disclose your personal data where we are legally required to do so, for example to tax authorities, or where we need to share your personal data for the purposes of preventing or detecting crime, in connection with legal proceedings, for the purpose of obtaining legal advice or otherwise for the purposes of establishing, exercising or defending legal rights or claims.

10.1.4 We will share your personal data if it is necessary to protect your vital interests.

11 Where personal data is stored and transferred

11.1 We do not transfer your data to countries outside the UK and the European Economic Area (EEA).

12 How long personal data is kept for

12.1 We will keep your personal data for as long as your account remains open/you remain a customer, unless we need to keep it for a longer period to deal with any claims or complaints or to comply with any legal obligations. If and when we decide we will not be building a network in your area then we will delete your data.

13 Your rights

13.1 You have a number of rights under data protection law. These rights and how you can exercise them are set out in this section. We will normally need to ask you for proof of your identity before we can respond to a request to exercise any of the rights in this section and we may need to ask you for more information, for example to help us to locate the personal data that your request relates to.

13.2 We will respond to any requests to exercise your rights as soon as we can and in any event within one month of receiving your request and any necessary proof of identity or further information. If your request is particularly difficult or complex, or if you have made a large volume of requests, we may take up to three months to respond. If this is the case we will let you know as soon as we can and explain why we need to take longer to respond.

13.3 If you want to exercise any of these rights, please contact us using the details above.

13.4 A right to access your information

13.4.1 You have a right to ask us to send you a copy of all the personal data that we hold about you (subject to some exceptions).

13.5 A right to an electronic copy of your information

13.5.1 You can also ask us to send you the information that we process for the purposes of fulfilling our contract with you or based on your consent in a common electronic format, or to ask us to transfer that data to a third party if you want us to and if it is technically feasible for us to do so.

13.6 A right to object to us processing your information

13.6.1 You have a right to object to us processing any personal data that we process where we are relying on legitimate interests as the legal basis of our processing (as set out in section 8 above).

13.6.2 If you make a request to exercise your right to object, if we have compelling legitimate grounds to carry on processing your personal data, we will be able to continue to do so. Otherwise, we will cease processing your personal data.

13.7 A right to ask us not to market to you

13.7.1 You can ask us not to send you direct marketing. You can do this by following the "unsubscribe" instructions in any marketing emails or by changing your account settings, or by contacting us using the details above.

13.8 A right to have inaccurate data corrected

13.8.1 You have a right to ask us to correct inaccurate data that we hold about you. If we are satisfied that the new data you have provided is accurate, we will correct your personal data as soon as possible.

13.9 A right to have your data erased

13.9.1 You have a right to ask us to delete your personal data in certain circumstances, for example if we have processed your data unlawfully or if we no longer need the data for the purposes set out in this notice.

13.1.0 A right to have processing of your data restricted

13.10.1 You can ask us to restrict processing of your personal data in some circumstances, for example if you think the personal data is inaccurate and we need to verify its accuracy, or if we no longer need the data but you require us to keep it so that you can exercise your own legal rights.

13.10.2 Restricting your personal data means that we only store your personal data and don't carry out any further processing on it unless you consent or we need to process the data to exercise a legal claim or to protect a third party or the public.

14 Complaints

14.1 You are important to us, and so is protecting your personal information. We have high standards when it comes to collecting and using personal information. For this reason, we take any complaints we receive from you about our use of your personal information very seriously and request that you bring any issues to our attention.

14.2 You also have a right to complain to the Information Commissioner's Officer (ICO), which regulates data protection compliance in the UK, if you are unhappy with how we have processed your personal data

14.3 You can find out how to do this by visiting

15 Updates to this notice

15.1 We may make changes to this notice from time to time. We will notify you if significant changes are made

15.2 Last updated 15 September 2022

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