Ultrafast full fibre broadband in Market Deeping? That’s life at LightSpeed.
Beautiful people of Market Deeping, what a delightful place you’ve chosen to live. 800 years of history and your market’s still going strong. You have not one but two top-rated chippies. And how many towns have an annual duck race? (Quite a few, it turns out.)
As if that wasn’t enough, you’ve got your very own literary festival, and some of the best neighbourhood walking routes in the UK.
Your history stretches back beyond the Bronze Age, but your broadband shouldn’t feel like it’s stuck in the past. The ultrafast future is here, Market Deeping. The time to connect is now.
Are you ready to browse, chat and stream faster than you ever thought possible? Are you ready to kiss buffering goodbye for good? Are you ready to feel like a race-winning duck, every single day?
Life at LightSpeed awaits.